Skin Care is science and heart of our consumers

It is a long established fact that beauty and wellness is inspired by our inner self. But external beauty adds an enhancer effect
Our Story

About a couple of years ago, I came across this art piece “exfluencers” in the daily Mint and again, a few months later, I read an article in New York Times , both of them addressing import aspects of beauty business and products. As beauty and personal care (BPC) products touches our daily lives, its manufacturers, sellers, promotors, all have increased activities and responsibilities.
Many new (Start Ups) and some Legacy Brands, Professionals from BPC industry approach me frequently talking about their pain points and need for Innovation. I try to guide them as I have worked in beauty R&D and Innovation for over a decade.

Our focus areas for contribution

The Pillars of action
- Empower consumer
- Help start ups to establish
- Led innovation in Beauty space
- Collaborate and develop Alliances

Our team
Pranav Bhardwaj
More than 12 years of experience in Beauty and Skin care industry
Pranav Bhardwaj
CEO, Cofounder

Gaurav Bhardwaj
More than 4 years of experience in Technology and Processes
Gaurav Bhardwaj
CHRO, Cofounder
Strategy and Alliances